Birder Ray Duffy Reports:
I walked the Marsh Discovery Trail this evening after work from about 6:40-7:30pm. The Wilson's Phalarope (above, photo by Mike Wolfe)was standing with a couple of yellowlegs and clearly had the thinner bill, smaller than the other birds and lacking the streaking of a yellowlegs with a clear difference between the white throat and the gray neck.
One sora was running around the phragmite "island" near the center. Pectoral sandpipers continued.
It was also spider city. Tons of them putting out webs for the evening in some of the blinds and on the railings. I also had two raccoon cross over the train line and a skunk cross the road near the Marsh Discovery Trail.
Birder Don DesJardines reports from yesterday's bird walk that the group's highlighst included four Golden Plovers and four Black-bellied Plovers.
Click "Continue reading..." for Don's list.
[DeKorte] Shorebird impoundment:
Lesser yellow legs
Greater yellow legs
Kill deer
Stilt sandpiper
Least sandpiper
pectoral sandpiper
semipalmated sandpiper
least bittern
4- American Golden plovers
2- Black-bellied plover
These birds were pretty much together
I'm sure I forgot a few but a great day at the meadows. Don
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