NJMC Naturalist Michael Newhouse reports that October was a banner month for bird-banding at the former Erie Landfill in North Arlington.
All told, Mike and his wonderful team of volunteers banded 46 species, and more than 2,300 birds.
We will post the fall banding totals soon.
Can you guess what species this is? It takes a sharp eye.
Click "continue reading..." to see the answer and the full October list.
Click here for other blog posts on the NJMC bird-banding project.
Sharp-shinned Hawk
October Totals
46 Species, 2313 birds
American Goldfinch-116
American Robin-13
Black and White Warbler-1
Blackpoll Warbler-4
Black-throated Blue Warbler-2
Brown Creeper-2
Brown Thrasher-2
Chipping Sparrow-1
Common Yellowthroat-24
Downy Woodpecker-1
Eastern Phoebe-13
Eastern Towhee-2
Field Sparrow-18
Golden-crowned Kinglet-3
Gray Catbird-17
Hermit Thrush-13
House Finch-1
House Wren-3
Indigo Bunting-9
Magnolia Warbler-1
Mourning Dove-1
Northern Cardinal-5
Northern Mockingbird-2
Palm Warbler-280
Red-winged Blackbird-1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1
Red-eyed Vireo-1
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow-1
Dark-eyed Junco-14
Sharp-shinned Hawk-1
Song Sparrow-427
Swamp Sparrow-361
Swainson's thrush-3
Vesper Sparrow-2
White-crowned Sparrow-35
White-throated Sparrow-46
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-2
Yellow-breasted Chat-1
Yellow Warbler-7
Yellow-rumped Warbler-224
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