Ken Habermann reports: "Went for a walk Saturday afternoon in Losen Slote Creek park in Little Ferry. I wasn't even really actively birding. Just getting some exercise. Still, I'm glad I brought the binoculars.
"There was a nice mix of at least 5 Fox Sparrows, several Song Sparrows and numerous White-throated Sparrows. Also present were several Red-winged Blackbirds and 4 or 5 Carolina Wrens as well as at least 40 American Goldfinches feasting on gray birch catkins.
"Nice surprises were a very vocal Brown Thrasher, a rather cooperative Gray Catbird and a male Eastern Towhee. This was topped off by a minor territorial dispute between a Red-tailed Hawk and a male Northern Harrier just as I was leaving." (Thanks, Ken!)
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