The Jersey City Peregrine Falcon Webcam is up and running -- that's a still image from the cam taken today..
Here's a report from earlier today from the Web site's "Nest Box News":
"Exciting times at the Jersey City nest box! The peregrines are
in the midst of laying eggs. The second egg was observed on Saturday
morning, and a third is due today. Viewers will notice that one adult
is always close by, either covering the eggs and providing some warmth,
or perched nearby.
"Full incubation will not commence until the clutch of eggs is
complete, that way the eggs will hatch very close together – on the same
day or within two days – minimizing the size difference among
nestlings. The eggs can withstand some chilling, just not freezing
temperatures. On these chilly, rainy days, the adults will want to keep
them covered and safe from the weather."
Link to the Webcam Web Site is here. (Webcam was acting a little wacky last we looked.)
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