A lot of us folks at the Meadowlands Commission ask us: Why is everyone on Disposal Road with binoculars and big cameras.
By way of an answer, Ron Shields writes:
"Attached please find some recent images of action from Disposal Road."
Bald Eagle is featured above.
Ron's images of an American Kestrel, a Red-tail and a Northern Harrier follow. (Thanks, Ron!)
In addition to Roy's sound advice, you can take two approaches to photographing kestrels or any other raptors on Disposal/Valley Brook Road. If flight action is steady, you can find one spot and allow the birds to come to you. Patience is strongly recommended. If the action is slow, you can drive slowly along the road and use your car as a blind to sneak up on perched birds.
Last summer, a juvenile kestrel provided weeks of good looks right on top of the telephone pole near the retention pond. You were literally able to walk underneath the pole with your camera. A few weeks ago, a kestrel hover hunted right over our heads on Disposal Road . The kestrel in this series was shot from my car using a 500mm lens. Obviously, he was very cooperative and I was able to get extremely close. And remember...the more time spent, the better the chance for that perfect shot.
Posted by: Ron | January 12, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Getting close to Kestrels can be a bit of a challenge. Sometimes you can figure out their hunting pattern (which perches they like) and set up in a spot with good light ... and hope for the best.
I've had the most luck getting to within 100' of them near the curve on the road by the retention pond ... The trees are close to the road there ... 400-500mm lens is enough for that spot. This is where we usually hang out ... feel free to pull up a tripod and we'll tell you anything you want to know.
Oh ... and always be prepared for the flyovers ... they happen quickly: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwoodford/8332122860/in/photostream
Posted by: Roy | January 12, 2013 at 09:01 PM
I really need advice for how to get good Kestrel shots. I know it is from the car, but how long do you leave the car in one place?
Posted by: Patrick Carney | January 12, 2013 at 12:20 PM
Great work Ron. Really love the Kestral.
Posted by: Jeff Nicol | January 11, 2013 at 05:24 PM
Nice Photos, Ron. In regards to the name Disposal Rd. I kind of like it. And Raptors are Disposers of one sort or another. I have been thrilled to see a Harrier the last few time I have been there.
Posted by: M Kostus | January 11, 2013 at 03:41 PM
I see kestrels, harriers, and Osprey out in Harrier Meadow every time I go down--always at least one raptor, usually a harrier (maybe there's something to the name...)
Great photos!
Posted by: Ian Garrison | January 11, 2013 at 03:02 PM
Sounds like Disposal Road should be renamed Raptor Road. Petition the town or something, "disposal" is for a different era, doesn't do the vets down the road any justice, and it's in the spirit of conservation.
Posted by: Gran | January 11, 2013 at 12:31 PM